Intensity &
Words for Some Cities in America
Dec 14th, 2006
The intensity of the times is increasing.
The intensity of BATTLE is increasing.
The Intensity of MY presence is also increasing for there is a great battle that lies ahead and you will need all that is possible of My glory to go through it. This is not a time for dismissing time with ME. This is not a time for presumption in doing what YOU want. It is a serious, and a glorious time, when the culmination of all things is at Hand.
Don’t think of only yourself beloveds for the days are here when you MUST have relationship with other TRUE Christians to make it through. You are a BODY and in need of every PART that makes it a whole.
There is nothing that I won’t do for you as you surrender YOUR will for Mine. This is not just a “nice talk”. THIS IS REALITY. The ten virgins were admonished to keep OIL in their lamps and there is still time to buy oil, and gold refined in the FIRE of affliction. But how many are listening. It is as in the days of NOAH, those listening are few and far between.
There is a NEW WORLD coming, but it is NOT the new world some surmise.
[ I think HE means that men have their vision of this new world order that THEY are building. But God Himself has vision also, of a new world that HE will usher in with HIS RETURN that is much different where all will bow to Jesus ! ]
I have a judgment for every system of man, and nothing that man has built will stand as I shake the earth ! There is NOTHING that can be shaken that won’t be shaken ! I will prevail, though every force of darkness is arrayed against you and I, I am the greater ONE, and NOTHING will stop ME from MY PURPOSES.
My heart is merciful towards those who are Mine, and towards those who are called to be MINE, so I am pouring out GLORY to give many others another chance to get on board the train of GLORY in this hour. Do not be like the unjust servant, and think that you deserve forgiveness, but others don’t. PUT AWAY all selfishness, and treat others as you would want to be treated. For I tell you in this hour, such horrors will be seen that you will wish you had listened to My WORDS more carefully for lawlessness is also increasing. Time has come for GOSHENS to be built, and there will be a grand division of all that is darkness from all that is of the Light.
The dark is getting darker and MY LIGHT WILL GET LIGHTER & BRIGHTER and all who truly love me, no matter what their condition will have mercy shown them.
If you want mercy in this hour, then YOU MUST SHOW MERCY.
If you want love and kindness, then you must SOW LOVE AND KINDNESS !
I will PROVIDE ALL THAT IS NEEDED for what you absolutely NEED, but it is time to lay down everything and place it in MY hands, for the seas will ROAR as never before, and men’s hearts will be filled with fear. Destruction and famine, wars, earthquakes, and storms are increasing, even as the LIGHT that fills you is INCREASING. Don’t hold on to your things beloved. DON’T be like LOT’s WIFE ! For this is the hour when great testing will come upon you, and you will need to listen VERY carefully to the still small voice.
Luke 6:35-36 AMP
35 But love your enemies and be kind and do good [doing favors so that someone derives benefit from them] and lend, expecting and hoping for nothing in return but considering nothing as lost and despairing of no one; and then your recompense (your reward) will be great (rich, strong, intense , and abundant), and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind and charitable and good to the ungrateful and the selfish and wicked. 36 So be merciful (sympathetic, tender, responsive, and compassionate) even as your Father is [all these].
You have been warned over and over again, and yet you go on as if there is no judgment waiting you who fill your bellies full and fill yourselves with worldly things, yet do not care for those who go hungry and homeless in your streets! Murder and mayhem lies in your streets, and every form of sexual immorality has consumed you, yet you go on in your apathy! NOT FOR LONG. NOT FOR LONG. I will do things that will make you no longer walk in apathy and complacency and many tears will be shed then. A WIND is coming to bring REPENTANCE and HARVEST, but before it can catch them all, sudden attack. Pray that the fullness of the judgment planned will not come upon you. PRAY BELOVED REMNANT ! WORSHIP with intensity !
You also have filled yourself with debauchery and harlotry and you do not care for even the children in your homes. You care more for the things of this world, and your own self, than for each other. You go on in VANITY upon VANITY, and think that it will go on forever this way. I tell you it will NOT ! Judgment is soon upon you, and you will be no more. Those who have remained faithful like LOT in the middle of Sodom and Gammorah will be saved. For I have a remnant who lay down their lives daily for you, but you spit upon them, and disdain them. I will bring a harvest of souls and then your end will come suddenly and without warning. You have turned your back on me, and I will turn My back to you, but not before I give you one more chance to repent. For I am pouring out GREAT GRACE. It is your decision to receive or reject it.
City by the lake and windy city, I will BLOW upon you and bring a great harvest, though there is a small remnant in your midst, it will not be small for long. I am bringing a wind that will blow many into the KINGDOM. Get ready for HARVEST of souls like you have not experienced ever before. MOODY was a man who cared for the children. And my heart is also after those who have never known My love. SHAKING is also coming with an outpouring of GLORY and the finances will fall into the hands of those who are TRUSTWORTHY and who will CARE for the sheep and My lambs.
Oh city that was once burned to the ground. You rebuilt, but what did you dedicate it to ? Who have you served ? I have many in you in whom I delight, and for that reason, I have kept you, because of their prayers. But the winds of judgment will also come to you and I will use those whom you have disdained to bring awakening. You will humble yourselves or be humbled. FALL on the ROCK or the ROCK will fall on you.
You have grown so arrogant and given in to every perverted thing, bowing to idols of many kinds. Do I not see ? Have I not spoken to you My WORD ? Surely I have allowed you to be blessed upon measure, but like all other great cities, you ignore the very great need in your midst. The poor you have no compassion for.
Return to MY HEART BELOVEDS ! Come to ME and learn of ME for I am GENTLE and HUMBLE of heart.
City by the sea, manifesting idolatry to all manner of money and ancient gods, will I not manifest My love to those I love, and judgment to those who disdain ME ? Do you really care for one another ? Will you really lay down your lives for your brother ? I ask you to repent from your idolatry and turn quickly to ME, for greater wind storms are coming, and they will not turn away as before unless you REPENT of your idol worship.
REACH OUT TO THE POOR. REACH OUT TO THOSE who don’t have what you have oh rich and mighty Christians. For if you disdain whom I love, how do you think I will treat you when you stand before ME ? You do good works, but are they the works that I DO ? Your coastline is full of vomit and perversion. REPENT and PRAY, reestablish the TABERNACLE of DAVID in your city and watch what I will do. Turn away from your traditions oh church, For I AM A PERSON, not just an edifice, or a ritual gathering. RETURN TO MY HEART that is filled with compassion.
Oh city by the sea, who once had lived for ME, how can I embrace your harlotries ? My heart cries out for you, and I am calling you to repentance, for the wind comes quickly and MY LIGHT will search out every heart. Prepare for war ! PREPARE for invasion.
First in the spirit, then in the natural ! For I am sending ANGELS to harvest a great throng in your midst. REPENT for the sin in your city oh beloveds and identify with the sinners so that your prayers might be effective. For many tears will be shed when I come and rend the heavens and come down. Who will remain standing ? I am about to invade with a multitude of heavenly hosts this city, that miracles and signs and wonders will be done. But will you turn to ME ? Will YOU My church allow ME to be in control ?
City of angels, you will soon truly be called. How you have cried out to ME beloved church for your city. Yet even those who walk in greater glory do not care for their own. Your selfishness reaches to the heavens. Still there is a remnant of people who love and serve ME, and I have not forgotten all you have endured for the sake of My name. I am coming to you in a REVOLUTION of sorts, for I am invading your college campuses this year with MY WORD, and with MY SPIRIT OUTPOURED, but on it’s back will come great opposition, so prepare your hearts for battle. Open your arms to the poor and hurting now, and I will do a great gathering of Harvest before the onset of war. This harvest will come at a great COST beloveds, for the enemy is stirred against you. WORSHIP, WORSHIP, WORSHIP ME in the beauty of holiness. CAST down your crowns before My feet, and shun all self-idolatry and selfish ambition. For UNITY is needed to bring in harvest. YOU NEED each other, yet competition and jealousy consumes you. In the one another’s, I will break forth ! REACH OUT to one another in LOVE and watch what I do.
Holy Spirit via Priscilla Van Sutphin
Upstream Ministries