given through Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
I had just gotten into bed and started praying my early morning prayers. I was talking to the Lord about some events that are being planned by the enemy, that He is exposing. As I laid there, I was telling Him how kind he is and wonderful and that I knew that whatever was going on here in the US and in the world, that He can take care of it, because to Him, nothing is impossible.
Then I heard the word, “upend”.
I just stopped praying and said, “Lord?”
I again heard the word, “upend”.
I paused for a minute and then jumped out of bed, as the words started flowing out of me.
Then the Lord began to speak again, “I am going to upend the enemy in his plans and purposes. Just wait and see. For am I not the God of the Impossible? Can I not do anything and everything? For man has yet to see the full extent of My power and the authority I am about to unleash to those whom I have called out for such a time as this. For it is in this time of transition, when those I have chosen are rising into their positions that the enemy is choosing to raise his ugly head, to cause fear and dismay to flow out of his mouth and onto My people. However he has chosen the wrong time, for THIS IS MY TIME!
I say to you, do not fear. For those who are with Me, those who have sought Me in this hour, will be at My side and will be covered by Me in the days ahead. For they have poured out their hearts to Me and sought to follow Me, regardless of what has fallen out of the mouth and heart of men. I have and will continue to protect what is Mine. I do not lie, nor go back on My Word. I am not a man. I AM the LORD.
In the days ahead many will walk in signs, wonders, and miracles, for I am not holding back. I have intended for many to flow in My gifts, so that MANY MORE will come to Me in the last days. If you are not walking in My gifts with Holy Spirit at your side and within, then I would encourage you to seek Me all the more. You have not, because you ask not. I am a loving Father and I want the best for all of you. But you also have to do your part and be responsible for what I give to you and ask; so that you might receive all that I have for you. For it is in your relationship with Me that I reveal My heart to you. Did I not say in the last days that your sons and daughters would prophecy?
Joel 3:1 - 2 (CJB) 1 “After this , I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will
see visions; 2 and also on male and female slaves in those days I will pour out My Spirit.”
Joel 2:28 (AMPC) 1 And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see spirits. 29 Even upon the menservants and upon the maidservants in
those days will I pour out My Spirit.”
Believe it, for it is true. Even now, My Spirit is being POURED OUT. The lame are walking, the blind see, the deaf hear, and the dead are rising to live again, by My Spirit, not the spirit of man. Do not believe all that you see and hear, for all is not as it seems. Seek Me. Seek Me. Seek Me. For only I have the answers you seek. I AM the only One who knows all, sees all and can give all to those who follow Me. For it is only through Me that you will receive salvation of your soul.
So stay focused on Me. Not on the newspapers, radios, televisions, computers, and the like. I AM the only One with all the answers. Do not be quick to judge, for I AM the One who judges. Be careful what you say and do, for I will hold you accountable. I AM the LORD.
So take heart My Beloveds. Again all is not as it seems. But you will only know the answers to your questions, if you seek Me and spend time with Me, even more than before. Now is your time to rise up and become what I am calling you to become, for My time is upon you.
According to Merriam Webster online: (I LOVE some of these words that are synonyms or related words to “upend”.)
(transitive verb)
1: to set or stand on end; also overturn
2. a: to affect to the point of being upset or flurried
b: defeat, beat
(intransitive verb)
To rise on an end
Synonyms: to best, CONQUER, DEFEAT, dispatch, do down (British), get, get around, lick, MASTER, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail(over), SKUNK, stop, subdue, surmount, take, trim, TRIUMP (OVER), BEAT, WIN (AGAINST), worst
Antonyms: lose
Related words: sweep; edge out, nose out, pip (British); ANNIHILATE, BLOW AWAY, blow out, BOMB, break, bury, CLOBBER, cream, crush, drub, FINISH, FLATTEN, overwhelm, rout, SHELLAC, skin, SLAUGHTER, smoke (slang), snow under, thrash, TROUNCE, upset, wallop, wax (slang), whip, cap, excel, flourish, score, SUCCEED, knock off, knock over, OVERPOWER, overthrow, subjugate, unseat, VANQUISH, ace (out), better, eclipse, exceed, excel, outdistance, outdo, outfight, OUTSHINE, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, transcend