6/28/24 12:17 pm

“The church really likes to have 
everything in order. But it is their 
order that is desired above “My 
Order” that is important. To be 
dependent on My Holy Spirit more 
than their own standard of how I 
should work & be is vital to survival.

For those who want their own way. They will soon be on the highway to holiness. For I WILL HAVE MY WAY IN THE CHURCH CALLED BY MY NAME! I am raising up new leaders who will do just that!

Humility is to depend on Me instead of self!

Life will not be the same in this nation & you MUST depend on Me for daily instructions if you want to survive. I have plenty of supplies for you in heavenly realms if you will cling to faith & depend on Me for survival. Much turmoil will cause many to leave this nation.

There will be martyrdom here, not seen for many centuries. If you can’t see the writing on the wall, you need to pray for Me to show you what is coming, that you would be able to also help others.

A GREAT HARVEST IS COMING. It will be SUDDEN & astounding. You need to have bibles in your church or ministry to give to others because they will come. They will need to be taught.

You will need supplies & ability to believe for multiplication of food, or manna from heaven. Farms are being destroyed to cull the population & drive them into the cities where they can be controlled. Remember Cambodia.

Though I will not allow them to go all the way in the direction they are going. There will be hardships to endure, but I WILL see you through them. You MUST listen for My voice for yourselves & your families sake.
Do not hide yourself in all the distractions.

Be still & know that I AM the God Who loves you & paid the price for your soul. I AM NOT an ogre. I AM NOT the harsh taskmaster, but you will NOT love your lives on earth more than heaven.

In days ahead, you will be SO grateful for salvation again. You will no longer take for granted what I have sacrificed for you.

Occult spirits are abundantly around you do to all the activities in recent years by their masters in this world.

So keep putting on your armor daily & remember, what you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. What you loose on earth, such as My shalom, will be loosed from heaven.

Cover yourself & do not be prideful with authorities.

Be calm & respectful despite their wickedness. Remember Paul & how he addressed magistrates! Let your gentleness be known to ALL! “

Philippians 4:5 NKJV Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

Galatians 5:23 AMPC Gentleness (meekness, humility), self- control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can bring a charge].
Ephesians 4:2 AMPC Living as becomes you] with complete lowliness of mind (humility) and meekness (unselfishness, gentleness, mildness), with patience, bearing with one another and making allowances because you love one another.

1 Timothy 6:11 AMPC
But as for you, O man of God, flee from all these things; aim at and pursue righteousness (right standing with God and true goodness), godliness (which is the loving fear of God and being Christlike), faith, love, steadfast-ness (patience), & gentleness of heart.

2 Timothy 2:25
He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth [that they will perceive & recognize & become accurately acquainted with & acknowledge it],

“Beloveds, I AM with you & inside you. I AM beside you, over you, under you, in front of you, in back of you. I AM omnipresent & the Omnipotent One! So come to me while you can in humility & repent of the pride that has so easily beset many in this nation. Intercede for this pride in your leaders. For they have arrogantly done all they have done without seeking MY FACE!

The Church of Jesus Christ is to be the STANDARD for a nation, for the world. So take to heart earnestly the need for more of My love & let it permeate your being as you come into worship Me, seeking My FACE, not just My hand, & spend time with ME beloveds. I have so much to show you of the miraculous times ahead that will thrill your hearts!
I know I’ve shared hard things. But I never share such things without HOPE of MY GLORY! So cling to Me, & I will cling to you! Come and lay your head on MY lap. REST in MY ARMS of LOVE that I can show you the way to go.”

Jesus, thru Priscilla Van Sutphin
