July 10, 2019

“I AM the Light of the World. The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it. But as the veils are lifted off the faces of the people, they will comprehend, as they receive revelation of Jesus. They will see and many will then believe as I pour out My Spirit in a new wave of glory and power. They will be shocked into submission and it will not take striving to do what I tell you to do. You have only to hear and obey. My angels are readied, and the world is ripe for harvest as there is much discontentment and sorrow. Starvation has increased, because people are starved from the Word of God, as they do not worship the true GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They reject ME not realizing how blind they are.

Pride has infected the church, not only the world. People want to rule their own destinies and do not understand to lay down their own lives and to take up Mine. So I AM stirring the waters and coming like a WHIRLWIND, to CLEANSE AND TO HEAL. I AM doing a NEW THING IN THE EARTH. I Am now cleansing those who have been prepared, and doing some final touches on their lives that they can come forth out of hiding, and I will SHINE MY LIGHT UPON THEM, that the world will know I HAVE LOVED THEM. 

I AM ILLUMINATING, for I AM THE LIGHT. I will make them to shine like the stars in the heavens, just as I did to Moses! EVERYONE will know they are from ME. Beware of your own hearts. For not many wise are chosen, not many sophisticated, not many that others think are special. Many have been rejected by the established church and will be a surprise to those around them, that I would use them. 

I have many Davids hidden in the caves of Adullam, that will be brought forth because they have My heart, My love for others, and a heart of JUSTICE. For I AM ESTABLISHING MY JUSTICE IN THE EARTH. NO MORE WILL THEY MOCK ON MY HOLY MOUNTAIN. NO LONGER WILL THE SCAPEGOATS BE DISMISSED AS ‘LOONIES” or “MISGUIDED”. I HAVE TESTED THEM AND PROVEN THEM THROUGH MY SCHOOL OF hardships and testings, and they are soaking in oils of My choosing like Esther was prepared, AND BEING HEALED & DELIVERED BY MY GLORY. Ready your hearts My sons and daughters for union! SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION is coming to My KINGDOM. Just as Holy Spirit exploded in ME, bringing back LIFE to My body, will I explode inside of My beloveds, and illuminate their understanding and lives to be a testimony of My LOVE & FAITHFULNESS. Many will testify all over the world and lead thousands, and millions to the KINGDOM! HARVEST IS AT HAND...SOON.

Many leaders who have gone astray in doctrine and sunk to compromise will repent, but some will not. TRUST ME to lead you and guide you in confronting error, with My heart.
For I am not gloating over them My superior knowledge and ability, and neither should you! MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGMENT. So humble yourself and seek MY FACE that I can guide you into wisdom and knowledge that heals and LOVE that leads to repentance. My anointing power will overtake you that you can move and have your being in ME, and walk in the light as I AM in the LIGHT. LET ME LEAD YOU! RELY on My HOLY SPIRIT to speak the truth that will set free.”

Priscilla Van Sutphin